Nottingham April 23rd 2012


Happy Saint George day from the USA.


So sick of chicken in this photo, cheap pizza and chicken is what these dudes live for.
After a good breakfast the Nomi hooked up from the place she worked at, Neil, Reggie, Cole and I went for a walk to a Castle while the other dorks went to the barber and casino.


Robin Hood and us hanging.
There were underground caves under the city. I was determined to get into those with some people to get lost and scared but every entrance was well barred up.


Made our way to the top floor of the oldest INN in England.


Hello venue…
and I spy a cutie as we pull in.


As all the fans filled in they passed us and naturally we felt like we were at a dance waiting for a girl to ask us to dance.


This guy was a really good guitarist, felt bad for him for being in that band.
Neil workin five zeros. hahaha


Every venue we played was upstairs and I had to document the ONE time I didn’t have to load the bass cab.


Got to talk to that girl and I was thinking to myself wow shes somthin` else.
Boys will be boys, we did 100 pushups after some shows.

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After the show we played some more Uno, some stakes I cant talk about but one was loser had to walk in their underwear to go get you know what… PIZZA. Got lucky that night and got a couch, great for graming.